Thanks for visiting. We hope this site highlights all that's available at St. John's. Please feel free to read more about us or better still, come and see us. We would love to meet you.

Music and Singing
If you sing or play an instrument and would like to use your gift in worship we would love to hear from you. St. John's has a music group that meets most weeks new members are welcome. Take a look at the music page to find out more.
Wolverhampton Circuit
St. John's is part of the Wolverhampton Circuit. Click here to find out more.
Please get in touch if you would like to get married at St John's. We will do all we can to help or support you. Click the image below for more information.
Our Mission
God loves and values all people - a love reflected through Jesus. Our mission is to be fully devoted to Jesus by welcoming all and serving those in need. We would love you to join us!
Young Church
Make new friends and learn
about the Christian life. Find
out more about young church
and spill the beans...!
These are difficult times for all churches and charities. If you are able to support the church finanacially we would appreciate any help you can give. Please go to our giving page to find out more.
A week at St John's
6.30pm - Beavers
6.45pm - Cubs
7.00pm - Scouts
7.30pm - Prayer Meeting (monthly)
7.00pm - Bhangra Dance
from 9am - Dance School
10.00am - Keep Fit
11.30am - Pastures Green
5.00pm - Dance School
5.45pm - Rainbows
6.45pm - Brownies
7.00pm - Guides
7.00pm - Slimming World
11.00am - 7pm - Dance School
6.15pm - The Vine Health Club
11am - Dance School
11.30am - Dementia Support (monthly - last Friday of month)
4pm - MP's Surgery (2nd Friday of month)
9.00am - Dance School
9.00am - SDA Group
10.00am - Coffee Morning
(1st Saturday of month)
10.30am - Beths Tap Dance Class
7.00pm - Praise Night (quarterly)
2.00pm - Mustard Seed Church