Like all churches and charities St. John's relies on the generosity of its people. Things have been difficult during this time of COVID and we have been so grateful to those who have continued to give during this time. All gifts are greatly appreciated.
Standing Orders. One off gifts or regular Standing Orders are a great way to support the church. Account details can be found on the 'Tithes & Offerings' image.
Cash or Cheques can be made payable to St. John's Methodist Church and brought to a Sunday morning service or posted to the church (see address).
Gift Aid - If you are a UK tax payer then we do encourage you to complete a GIFT AID FORM. This enables the church to claim an additional 25% on all donations given. Please complete and bring to church on a Sunday morning between 10am and 10.30am or post to this address.
Envelopes - If you would like a weekly giving envelope please message us and we will arrange to get some to you.
Specific - If you would like to give specifically to a particular ministry please indicate on the envelope.
Legacies - One way to support St. John's is to consider leaving a legacy in your will. This can be for general use of for a specific purpose. Please speak to us if you would like to know more.
Thank you.